
Mission. Vision. Values.

Our heart’s desire at Found & Free is to be set apart for the kingdom of God. The mission, vision, and values that we hold to as a business are a direct extension of how we seek to live our personal lives as committed followers of Christ.


At Found & Free, our mission is simple. We seek to set Christians free in Jesus’ name! We empower Christians to walk in freedom by allowing God to work through biblical psychotherapy and issue focused ministry.

We desire to provide accessible care for anyone in Ontario through the utilization of a virtual care model.


These values shape our approach, define our character, and guide all of our interactions.


We are committed to providing Christ-centered care as the foundation of our practice. We believe that true transformation comes through emulating the life of Jesus Christ and recognizing that He holds all things together and possesses all wisdom and knowledge, including that required for our healing.

Colossians 1:16-17, Colossians 2:3

Holy Spirit-Driven

We are dedicated to offering Holy Spirit-driven care. We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to guide us in truth and bring revelation for our healing. We are committed to prayerfully seeking God in our personal lives in order to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and act as an intercessor for our clients.

John 16:13

All for God’s Glory

We are sincere in conducting our practice with the intent of bringing glory to God in all that we do. Our aim is to serve our clients with excellence, compassion, honesty and integrity, recognizing that our ultimate purpose is for every accomplishment and aspect of our work to lift high the name of our Lord.

1 Corinthians 10:31

Biblical Authority

We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God and is the ultimate authority for faith and life. We believe that Scripture is living and active, relevant to every aspect of our lives today. We are committed to integrating biblical truth into our therapy sessions and trusting in the transformative power of God’s word.

Hebrews 4:12


At Found & Free, we have a BIG vision for our future. We serve a God who is limitless and we are trusting in His provision as we move forward with every step of this endeavour. As our client base grows, we hope to expand our services to in-person as well as virtual. Our hope is to grow a team of multi-disciplinary professionals who are able to tend to the spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional needs of Christians across Canada using a variety of methods.

One day, we envision a retreat centre, in a serene wilderness setting, where Christians are able to have intimate encounters with God that radically change their lives and embolden them to live in the fullness of God’s plan for their life without any fear or hesitation.

Ready to Live Life to Your Full God-Given Potential?

Start Your Healing Journey Today

We’re here to listen, collaborate, and help create forward momentum in your life. Take the first step towards spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional freedom. Book your virtual appointment now or contact us to learn more.